Mirrar call on Jabiluka

From AAP   26mar01


00:00 (AEST) THE Mirrar people of Kakadu last night called on mining giant Rio Tinto to end the Jabiluka uranium mine project once and for all.

  The call followed Rio Tinto's decision not to support development of the mine in the short term.

  Mirrar spokeswoman Jacqui Katona said "half measures" were not acceptable, and the Jabiluka mineral lease should be returned to its traditional owners - the Mirrar people.

  "The Mirrar do not want to see Jabiluka stalled, but permanently closed and the land returned to them unencumbered," she said in a statement.

  Her comments followed Rio Tinto's announcement last week that it would not support mine owner Energy Resources Australia in any development of the Northern Territory mine in the immediate future.

  Ms Katona said concerns remained that unless permanent closure was secured, there was a danger there could be a renewed push to develop the mine in the coming years.



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